The way of the trader is a lonely path fraught with danger. With peril at every step and threat at every turn the single trader must lead a life in solitude to become acutely aware of his surroundings whilst maintaining equanimity and poise to peacefully accept that everything is as it should be.
this lonely path in life how can I succeed to confront every wild animal and malicious character that means to thwart my progress towards my rest?
Master Lao: Would you shout at the wind for whipping your face? Would you scream in anger when the rain lashes your body? Could you pound your fists when the snow falls and slows your journey or would you cry in protest when the Sun beats your down your brow into submission?
Sun Chung: No, it would be impossible to show anger at the forces or nature and futile to cry over the moments wasted in protestation.
Master Lao: All things are as they should be.
Sun Chung: And i most reverend master? I am a mere pawn of destiny?
Master Lao: Indeed; not.
Sun Chung: Then please explain my helplessness as i walk this path in life in face of dangers.
Master Lao: When the wind races, run with the wind; when the fire scorches move in silence behind the flames; when the rain pours down, flow with the waters around your feet and when the snow drifts down, glide with every snowdrop and proceed upon your journey.
Sun Chung: And so I must choose to accept
Master Lao: And in so doing less time may be spent upon a lost footstep than the promised treasure of the next foot forward.
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The Way of the trader is a journey of reclusiveness within a moment of infinite sensation. Pieter Bergli.