way of the trader is a lonely path fraught with danger. With peril at
every step and threat at every turn the single trader must lead a life
in solitude to become acutely aware of his surroundings whilst
maintaining equanimity and poise to peacefully accept that everything is
as it should be.
Sun Chung: When you speak of the elements reverend you speak of natural forces that are beyond the control of man.

Lao: Man control nature; but man may find harmony with nature and in doing so obtain appeasement.
Sun Chung: But how could man find harmony with such raging forces?
Master Lao: By reflecting such power man becomes unmoved as a mirror of glass merely reflects what image that peers into it
Sun Chung: And so like a tree in the wind I must bend but not snap?
Master Lao: Indeed; man must reflect the moods of the forces of nature in order to achieve a balance and maintain the course of the journey.
Sun Chung: And in doing so a man may not feel his helplessness as he walks this path of life.
Master Lao: In the inner mind man fights wind with wind, fire with fire, water with water and earth with earth and in thus doing so such opposing forces cancel each other out and equanimity is obtained.
All is as it should be in every moment; each second is merely the sum of past actions whose strands are brought together to shape the present. Accept and spend less time dwelling upon a lost footstep and make sure the foot forward is in harmony with wind and fire, water and earth.
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The Way of the trader is a journey of reclusiveness within a moment of infinite sensation. Pieter Bergli